Genius Hour 6th Grade ELP and 5th Grade ELP Jumbo Construction

Genius Hour ( is a project-based learning tool our ELP students use.  Students choose a topic they have an interest or desire, create a driving question to answer, research the topic and finally create a project to share out.  Recently our 6th Grade students began learning the basics of chess thanks, in part, to Hunter Co.  Hunter created a google presentation about the basic chess pieces, where and how the chess pieces can move and how knowing the pieces well can help develop a strategy when playing chess.  Then, as a class, we were able to practice what Hunter had presented.  Over the next couple of early-out Wednesdays the students will partner up and practice their skills again.  learning the chess board as a grid for piece plaement

practicing how to set up the players' pieces

Hunter (right side of the screen) answering a question from Dylan D. 

In our 5th Grade ELP group we have been able to create simple machines with jumbo construction pieces.  Mrs. Christensen's new classroom space allows for students to spread out and create in ways they were limited before. 
creating a simple pulley system

trial and error were key to reaching final success (attending to precision)

Our Middle School Classroom Contract--Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe



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