
Showing posts from September, 2017

ELP (Extended Learning Program) Up, Up and Away for 2017-2018

ELP (Extended Learning  Program) for K-7th is up and going....with a few bumps, potholes, swerves and detours along the way......learning to navigate whatever life throws at you, is what I remind the students of when changes come to our class. Below are pictures and/or video clips demonstrating what our students are currently working on.  We are beginning our year by delving into abstract reasoning, visual/spatial learning, potential energy, kinetic energy and chain reactions.  In addition students are continuing with building coding skills and early computer programming processes.  Check out and for additional ideas. For the Middle School students we are also venturing into an independent study called "Genius Hour" (  Students began with an interest inventory and then developed a driving question to research based off their results.  We are nearing the completion of the 1st set of research and beginning the creation