NASA--Professional Development for Mrs. C. and Mrs. Stessman
In early December Mrs. Jenny Stessman, Instructional Coach, contacted Mrs. Christensen, ELP Instructor, regarding an Iowa Space Grant Consortium. Teams submitted an application and those 4 teams selected would go to Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, AL for the Professional Development of a lifetime.....NASA Educational Instructors would create professional development geared toward STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)!
On January 3, 2017 the 2 teachers received word they were 1 of the 4 teams from Iowa selected!!!
The NASA PD was from February 8-February 11, 2017. Below are pictures from their experiences:
create a plan, prepare the plan, test the plan, revise as needed: engineering is always evolving, not just the "right answer"
On January 3, 2017 the 2 teachers received word they were 1 of the 4 teams from Iowa selected!!!
The NASA PD was from February 8-February 11, 2017. Below are pictures from their experiences:
Blast off into deeper learning! Please feel free to stop by or email if there are other questions regarding our endeavors.
In addition to sharing with students and the MV School Board, Mrs. Stessman and I will be sharing out learning and plans with the Pk-5th grade staff.
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