The 6th Grade ELP students have been doing a literature study with the novel "The Cat Who Went to Heaven" by Elizabeth Coatsworth. The setting in ancient Japan, so we have done research about ancient Japanese culture, the ancient art of Origami and how karma plays a key role in many cultures. The pictures below are from an Origami lesson we worked on. Students were to follow 7 written directions to create an Ancient Samurai Helmet (since the Japanese believed paper has a spirit, it was considered ill-will to cut or tear or cause harm to the spirit of the paper.....thus paper-folding became important). We hope you enjoy seeing their "artwork."
Kinley M. also brought in an example of her name written in Japanese. Students played a game with the Kana chart and attempted to write basic nouns in Japanese.
7th grade ELP students creating raccoon tracks to extend the learning from the novel "Where the Red Fern Grows". Teamwork was key to having a full-set of tracks. |
Yes, I know what the expectation is. I'm just concentrating on how to begin the task. |
One more group of 7th graders. It was interesting to see how each group put together the modeling clay to make their raccoon "tracks". We will do a writing activity to accompany the clay tracks. |
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