Highlights from ELP 2015-2016

2nd Grade ELP scholars created their own basic coding scripts to move a Bee-bot from one good deed to the next. Students collaborated to create their own good deeds, then using basic coding commands, they programmed their mini-bot. Once completed, students exchanged boards and scripts and "tested" the validity of the coding scripts. 2nd Grade ELP scholars presenting their Bee-bot and coding scripts to the Missouri Valley School Board (March 2016). In addition, MV ELP had 3 scholars p articipate in the Iowa State Fair Youth Spelling Bee on Friday, August 11th. They were: Bobby Barnard, Noelle Rand and Kate Graeve. These 3 students represented themselves, their school and their community with great skill and poise. I was so very proud of their extra efforts and enthusiasm! During the 2016-2017 school year our ELP blog will be much more student directed. I have no doubt their learners in our group will have plenty to say about ...