
Showing posts from April, 2015

What's Happening in ELP.....

It is hard to believe but we are 1/2 way through the final quarter of the school year!  My goodness, how the time is flying by.  As the year winds down, we want to post an update on our ELP happenings: K/1st Grade ELP---We meet 2 times a week for 20-25 minutes each time.  Our focus has been research on a wide variety of topics and creating an informative poster.  A few of the poster topics have been:  the circulatory system, magnets, black holes, The Titanic and The BP Oil Spill (Deep Water Horizon). 2nd Grade ELP---We recently finished "Pippi Longstocking" and "Amelia Bedelia 4 Mayor" where our focus was visualization, vocabulary and figurative language such as, idioms and words with multiple meanings.  Our final project for the year will be a novel study of "The Hundred Dresses" where we will connect with our school's Character Education program and continue to develop inference skills. 3rd-5th ELP-- Currently we are working on a cross-curricul...