ELP (extended learning program) is off and running again. We have "tweaked" the format slightly but the big ideas are still the same: build on literacy skills, higher order thinking and small group differentiation. Below are a few of the topics we are covering so far: 2nd Grade: Using "Take Me Out of the Bathtub and Other Silly Dilly Songs" students are practicing fluency, phrasing, reading/singing with expression and building on being flexible with vocabulary skills. We will be using a Bruce Lansky poem "What I Found in my Desk" to create our own silly dilly poems. 3rd Grade: ELP students are connecting to the "Big Idea" in Science (plants and animals depend on one another) to learn more about the Rainforest ecosystem. We created replica Rain Forest layers, practiced and shared a Reader's Theater based on "The Great Kapok Tree" and worked on vocabulary such as, deforestation, greenhouse gases and biodiversity. 4th G...