Welcome to ELP

Welcome to the  ELP (Extended Learning Program) at the Mo. Valley Community Schools.  I am excited to be delving into the learning behind ELP and helping students to grow as learners, readers, problem solvers and citizens.

As part of the ELP learning this school year, students will be creating/editing and posting information for the blog.  We will work on updating the blog in small groups and individually.  Our goal is to update the blog at least 2X's a month.  Hopefully, with the students' guidance, we will be able to update more frequently about ELP happenings, lessons and objectives.

Our first ELP undertaking will be a project revolving around the Olympics.  Students will be researching the Ancient Olympics and Modern-day Olympics.  We will be utilizing both on-line resources and teacher supplied materials.  Students will be expected to be able to compare and contrast Ancient and Modern-day Olympics.  We will work individually and in small groups to gather information and apply the knowledge in a final project.

Thanks for all you have done to prepare your child(ren) for greater knowledge.  I look forward to a great year.

Mrs. C.


  1. I love this idea. It would be awesome if you Tweeted new posts or posted them to Facebook because I'm sure I will never remember to check the blog. Are you up for Twitter? I can totally set you up! :)


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